Casting company looking for NJ Zombies (and male exotic dancers)
A planned Netflix film, Army of the Dead, is looking for zombies and male exotic dancers in New Jersey. The movie will start shooting in Atlantic City in September. The casting call, as reported in the Philadelphia Inquirer, is looking for skinny zombies, athletic zombies, and amputee zombies who are "comfortable with fake blood, simulated levels of human decomposition, aren't sensitive to scenes of violence, smoke and walking.” Men and women of any ethnicity are encouraged to apply. They also need men, age 21-30, to portray male exotic dancers who will be wearing Speedos and chaps(!); previous experience as an exotic dancer is a plus.
The film will be directed by Zack Snyder whose first feature film was 2004’s remake of Dawn of the Dead. He has also directed a number of DC Comics films, including Man of Steel and Justice League.
Prospective zombies (and male exotic dancers) should send a full body photo, close up photo, phone number, and height to: deadarmycasting@gmail.com.
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