Breastfeeding mom threatens NJ town with $1M lawsuit
FRANKLIN BOROUGH — A woman who was breastfeeding her 2-year-old daughter at a Sussex County pond when an employee called the police because she wasn't covered up might file a lawsuit.
NJ.com reports a lawyer for the woman sent a letter to the borough of Franklin citing the intent to sue for $1 million in damages, unless the town "does the right thing."
Jason Guiliano says a remedy could be as simple as a personal apology.
His client, Michelle Ayala, was with her three children at Franklin Pond on July 31 when a borough employee told her she had to cover up or the police would be called.
Ayala told the worker she was allowed by law to nurse, and the worker called the cops.
The responding officer sided with Ayala, but a town official didn't.
A borough attorney has called the ordeal a "teachable moment."
The Sussex County chapter of the National Association of Women this week also called for an apology.
This is unacceptable," the women's advocacy group said. "Ms. Ayala is owed a real apology--mother to mother--directly from the women who chose to create this unjust situation, and no mother anywhere should ever be made to feel as though she’s doing something lewd by feeding her child."
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