BAYONNE — A man accused of placing "tire deflation devices" along his street that injured two people and flattened tires on nearly a dozen vehicles has been arrested, police said.

Paul Campbell, 51, was taken into custody on May 5 at his home on Dodge Street. His arrest was the result of an eight-month investigation starting in September 2021.

Police Captain Eric Amato said the devices were placed in the area of Dodge Street, Orient Street, and East Fifth Street.

Campbell's "mischievous actions" flattened at least 11 tires and hurt two people, Amato said. Amato added that both victims injured by the devices had stepped on them.

The devices were described by police as sharp, four-prong metal objects "designed with the purpose to cause a puncture and deflation to vehicle tires as they drive over it."

Campbell is charged with two counts of aggravated assault and 11 counts of criminal mischief to auto.

Dodge, Orient, and East Fifth streets outline a small area called Donohoe Park. It's just large enough for a monument dedicated in 1921 to 104 Bayonne men who died serving in World War 1.

The Donohoe Park World War 1 monument at Bayonne, NJ. (Google Maps)
Donohoe Park. (Google Maps)

The monument is located down the street from Mary J. Donohoe Elementary School. Police did not say why Campbell placed the devices near the park or if there is any connection to the monument or school.

Rick Rickman is a reporter for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach him at

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