Another NJ town OKs marijuana — and it’s the perfect place for it
The big day is approaching. August 21 is the deadline for towns to decide if they want to either ban cannabis businesses or change their zoning laws to create places for cannabis businesses to operate.
The new marijuana laws for the state of New Jersey include a provision that states that if a town doesn’t opt out by that day, they will have no local control over how marijuana ordinances are implemented in that town. This means that many towns in New Jersey have already opted out, voting not to have cannabis businesses within their borders. But some, like Neptune and Eatontown for instance, have already indicated their acceptance of these businesses within town borders.
Those towns can see the benefits of another sector industry (in fact, a brand new one) arriving in their towns; The jobs it could bring, the additional tax revenue, etc etc.
The latest town to add itself to that list is Red Bank. And that seems like a fitting decision. Red Bank, the quaint little “Greenwich Village” of Monmouth County has always had that progressive vibe.
Not only that, but Red Bank has voted to approve not only the sale of marijuana in the town, but also the cultivation, distribution and delivery of it. And many of Red Banks residents are supportive, indicating that the town has always been progressive.
With all of that being said, it would be the perfect place for venues such as marijuana comedy clubs and the like.
The Asbury Park Press quotes a Monmouth County resident as saying, “I find it amazing that there are so many communities with alcohol consumption opportunities, but cannabis is still stigmatized. So, I urge you to consider the possibilities: cannabis comedy clubs. … It can be a coffee shop, very low key or very high end. But Red Bank can definitely do it.”
Interestingly, marijuana businesses are not allowed to display a marijuana leaf on their signage. That’s an indication that as much as we’d like to pretend that marijuana is the same as alcohol, there is still a stigma to weed that alcohol doesn’t have.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Judi Franco. Any opinions expressed are Judi Franco’s own.
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