Nostalgia is interesting when you think about it. There are some things you think back fondly of, it makes you smile and you go on with your life. Then sometimes, you are walking in the shops of Peddler's Village and you see the ceramic Christmas tree both your Grandmothers used to put up in their homes for the holidays!

I immediately buy it, go home, and put it up on my mantle with such pride and happiness. I was transported back to Christmas 1980 when lakes actually froze enough to skate on, we got plenty of snow to sled down hills, I wore footed pajamas, and best of all, I still believed in Santa.

My husband saw the tree and asked me why I made him get us a real tree if I was going to get a ceramic one. Clearly, we were not sharing the same excitement over the nostalgic tree therefore I go to where I can share my joy...Instagram.

The one cool thing about social media is you can find others with the same likes as you, no matter how odd or eclectic, even if they are your real-life friends and acquaintances. It turns out a dear friend of mine I used to work with shares my affinity toward nostalgic ceramic trees!

I found a Halloween tree, she found Easter trees, we share pictures, it's a lot of fun and helps me find ones I love to add to my collection. There was one comment we would get from time to time on our posts: "Too bad you have to wait for a holiday to see one of these trees."

Sure enough, I get a catalog in my mail called LTD Commodities which shows ceramic trees for summer. I nearly fell over! They have three different designs; patriotic for Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day. They also have a nautical theme and beach theme, in small and large trees.

How many did I purchase? That correct. All of them! These trees stay up from May until Labor Day in my house and I always get compliments on them. I love that so many companies have broadened the selection of these unique and beautiful trees. Now if I could just get one made for my birthday.

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