20 most annoying things about driving in New Jersey
Driving in New Jersey can take otherwise good people and make them crazy. I know because I am one of them. Nothing makes me as frustrated in record time as hitting the road right here in the Garden State. In a perfect world, I'd be the only one on that road and be able to drive as fast as I want; but that is not the case.
There are so many things that annoy me about driving in New Jersey that I figured I'm not the only one; so, I asked my radio and social media followers what annoys them most about driving in New Jersey. See if you can relate to any of these. Personally, I can relate to many of them.
People in the fast Lane driving slow
John Speciale
Jug handle left-hand turns.
Max Dolcelli
If the light is green. What is everyone looking at? Apparently at everything but the fact that the light is green.
MOVE !!!!
Jayne Malone
Other drivers!
Butch Budai
Roundabouts! (circles)
Cindy Zwicker
Drivers tailgating in the right lane.
Joey Novick
The 10-minute right turn.
Have you ever been behind someone that begins decelerating in front of you to turn right at an intersection for at least two blocks ending with a right turn that is almost from a full stop, holding you up with a line of traffic that wants to continue driving straight through?
Mark Gruzlovic
This may be minor, but my biggest pet peeve is when I see people turning over the solid double line in a road.
Gail Morrone
A-Holes who keep their brights on as they approach your car!
Thomas Thomi Hawk Hickey
Not knowing which lane to be in to turn left. It can change 10 times in 3 miles
Chris Orion
Watching New York drivers in the left lane driving slow and not moving over!
Rick Verso
Lanes closed for construction when there's no construction
Dominick Saraceno
Lakewood. Nuff said
Gino Formaroli
Route 18.
Dante Mele
No turn signals & throwing trash/cigarette butts out the window
John Hamer
Drivers slam their brakes on when they see someone standing on the curb, waiting to cross. The law states that you must stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk until they reach the other side. NOT TO STOP FOR PEDESTRIANS WAITING ON THE CURB!’ I see this idiocy all the time in Ocean City.
Tom Evans
The drivers mostly but the roads in PA are so bad now that I actually prefer driving in the garden state.
Greg Vince
Red light runners, stop sign runners, no signaling, left lane slowpokes, and the incredible amount of traffic
Gloria Manchester
Left lane dicks, tailgating, people that don’t use turn signals, driving on the GS Parkway.
Chris McKelvey
Coleen Burnett
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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