15 things New Jerseyans want to see go away in 2020 (Opinion)
We asked: What do New Jerseyans want to see go away in the coming year? A lot of our listeners' complaints are about things people say more than anything else.
Some involved local politics and there were some pop culture elements that people hope go away in the coming year. We're sure the list could go on forever if everybody in New Jersey got a say, but here's what made the top 15.
- The Kardashians (A perennial favorite)
- Gov. Phil Murphy (Sorry, you'll have to wait at least another year for that one to come true.)
- People saying "no problem" instead of "you're welcome"
- People saying "it is what it is"
- The Baby Shark song
- The term "doppleganger" (Isn't it easier to just say TWIN?!)
- Texting shorthand
- Climate change as a religion
- The term "reaching out" ("Call" or "write" will do.)
- The rapper Lizzo
- "Now that being said"
- "To be honest with you" (I assumed you always are. Stupid me!)
- Guests on shows pushing their books (Ever notice everybody has a book?!)
- The term "open concept"
Now all that being said, we hope you have a happy and healthy New Year!
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