Travel apps take the headache out of vacations — Forever 39 Podcast
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If you love to travel, but don't like some of the headaches that go along with it — this episode of Forever 39 is a must-listen!
For those of you that have been fans of the show from the start, you know that we love to travel, and we're always looking for ways to make the entire experience as stress-free as possible. But with so many apps on the market that target travelers, how do you know which ones are the best?
Well, after spending a few hours researching and reading a few dozen articles, we think Business Insider and MSN list some of the best apps out there. From apps that will help you decide what to pack or help you communicate in a foreign county, we're sure you'll find something that will come in handy on your next adventure.
Business Insider's article lists 16 apps and gadgets to help travelers, while the MSN article offers up over a dozen apps that promise to solve!
And if you have any that you simply don't leave home without, let us know by emailing us at
Also from this week's Forever 39 podcast — Extreme dress code policies in schools. PLUS: Ideas for a girls' night out in NJ. Click on the podcast player above to hear the entire episode.
Share your thoughts on all of them below, on Twitter, on Facebook or at
— Annette and Megan, Forever 39
Join us for next week’s podcast when we chat about wedding regrets, keeping a clean home, and avoiding holiday weight gain.
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