You’ll never f*%!ing guess where NJ ranks in cursing
Remember when Gov. Phil Murphy drafted Executive Order No. 401? It replaced the official state bird.
Part of it read:
“WHEREAS, New Jersey drivers are famous for their skills,
enthusiasm, and expressive hand gestures;1. The State Bird is hereby changed from the American
Goldfinch to the Middle Finger.”
Sure it was a dumb April Fool’s prank, but it’s evidence enough that New Jersey doesn’t hold back when, uh, expressing ourselves.
So when you hear that a study was done by ranking which states curse the most and placed New Jersey at No. 6, it may surprise you to see we were that high or shock you that we were that low.
Six? Are you fx#%ing kidding me?!? This is “Sopranos” territory for +#=£’s sake!
How is this not a competition we own outright? OK, how did they arrive at their findings?
They looked at how many curses were used on various state’s Reddit pages over a certain period of time. New Jersey chalked up 1,787. Who’s beating us at our own game? Florida with 1,902, Wisconsin racking up 1,905, Minnesota 1,916, Connecticut 1,927 and the number one most cursing state Texas with 1,935. At least they were all tightly packed. We weren’t even close. Do better New Jersey!
Here’s the full list and you’ll be shocked at the state that curses the least considering the shenanigans that go on there.
Real life Sopranos spots to visit in NJ
Gallery Credit: Erin Vogt