Why NJ parents feel better seeing other NJ parents struggle (opinion)
One important note, this isn't about any kid struggling academically. Nor is it about what happens during the school day.
This has more to do with the morning routine of getting our kids ready for school. Not a single parent can say they haven't struggled with this before.
The same can hold true with after-school. Think about the struggles with getting dinner ready and going through the evening routine.
It can even be a struggle getting your child to cooperate with homework. So with all of that said, how can one possibly feel better when seeing someone else struggle?
It's not what you're thinking. It has nothing to do with judging someone else's parenting skills.
It also has nothing to do with shaming other parents or their kids. Of which, you should never do that in the first place.
So with all of that ruled out, what could it possibly be? The answer is quite simple really.
It has to do with not feeling alone.
Think about it. When your kids are being pains in the morning to the point you just want to scream, you might be asking yourself, "why me?"
Now let's say you walk your kid to the bus stop or school, and you see another parent frustrated with their kid, going through the same emotions you just did.
And then you realize, you're not alone in the struggle. We all struggle at times with our kids, and it's easy to feel like we're the only ones.
But we're not alone, and all kids give us a run for our money every once in a while. So when you see someone else going through the same struggles, it doesn't make you happy, it just helps you realize you're not the only one having trouble navigating this thing we call parenting.
And to that point, it might help you feel a little better that we collectively go through this together.
So to all New Jersey parents out there, don't worry. We all deal with those issues from time to time, and you're not doing anything wrong. Kids can be a pain, it's just a fact.
You're a Jersey parent... you've got this.