What is set-jetting and why is NJ #3?
Something exists that I didn't even know about. I'm guessing you might not know this was a thing either. It's called set-jetting.
Not jet-setting, in case your eyes played a trick on you. No. Set-jetting.
It's where people take trips to locations where films and TV shows were shot just to be near where the action was. Yes, they actually travel just to do this.
Now I could see if you just happened to be in town for some other reason and had a few hours free and heard "A Man Called Otto" was actively filming and you were a huge Tom Hanks fan so maybe you'd show up to catch a glimpse. But buying a plane ticket after the fact to go see the garage door Otto lifted after the movie is already made? Weird.
Weird, but worth it. For New Jersey that is. You see it turns out research by Planet Cruise predicts the hottest location for set-jetting this year, and guess who's number 3. Yep. We are. New Jersey. Due in part to all the attention "The Marvels" will bring. Parts were shot here.
The Marvel Universe has been kind to the Garden State. According to Planet Cruise the scene in "Avengers: Endgame" where Stan Lee shouts "Make love, not war!" was filmed on a scenic road in New Jersey. And Liberty State Park and Journal Square were featured in the TV series Ms. Marvel.
So why is this set-jetting good for New Jersey being at number 3? Because it brings money. They say set-jetting for popular movies boosts local tourism by more than 30%.
So who beat us in the set-jetting predictions? It's believed Scotland, UK and Venice Beach, California will be number 2 and number 1 respectively. But just try to get good pizza there.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.
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