Watch Phillie Phanatic do the wave … all alone
Is baseball really back or is it an abstract shell of its former self? They gotta do what they gotta do, and I’m glad sports are returning even if in a Bizzaro World sort of way. The monotony of the pandemic has been part of the stress so it’s a good escape.
Odd though to see cardboard cutouts of fans gracing seats near home plate. Among the places you’ll see this is Citified where the Mets have been selling them for $86. Fans send a photo of themselves which is put on the cutout. Proceeds go to the Mets Foundation which supports various charitable causes.
Then there’s the piped in fan reaction sounds. Players say it was strange at first but they’ve settled into it and seem to prefer it over dead silence.
With no fans allowed in the stands another oddity popped up this weekend. The funny yet sad image of the Phillie Phanatic doing the wave.
This happened Sunday at the game against the Marlins. Dan Gelston, an AP sportswriter, posted this on his Twitter. This video pretty much sums up 2020 for us all.
Oh the Phanatic had some much funnier schtick! Check him out taunting a (cardboard cutout of a) Marlins fan and even abusing him with silly string.
Unfortunately the Marlins got the win.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.