Turns out, New Jersey isn’t such a great place to be single
We’ve seen surveys like this before, ranking cities on how single people fare and New Jersey usually has a couple of cities on the list (OK, it’s almost always Jersey City and Hoboken), but a new study is out and it makes it seem like New Jersey is pretty much a wasteland for singles.
Wallethub ranked the best and worst for singles in the country, and while New Jersey put two towns on the list, they weren’t very high.
The numbers they crunched showed that nearly 50% of the adult US population is single; either never been married, divorced, or widowed. That’s a lot of single people looking for dates (the average date costs $90, by the way).
The 180+ cities were compared across 36 metrics in three broad categories: economics, fun and recreation, and dating opportunities. Economics (things like the average cost of a movie, housing affordability, price of gym memberships, average cost of a meal, etc.) was 25% of the total.
Fun and recreation (nightlife, music festivals/concerts, fitness centers per capita, etc.) accounted for 25%, and the final category, dating opportunities (percent of singles, online dating opportunities, gender balance, etc.) was weighted at 50%.
So, which two Garden State cities made the list? Jersey City and Newark. But they didn’t rank too high, with Jersey City coming in at #63 and Newark at #141.
Jersey City had a score of 52.60 (out of one hundred), and Newark was at 46.23.
For economics, Jersey City ranked 152, for fun and recreation: 55, and dating opportunities 42. In economics, Newark was 146, fun and recreation, 104 and in dating opportunities: 114. Jersey City fared particularly poorly in housing affordability and Newark was low in online dating opportunities.
The city that came out on top in the rankings was Seattle and the worst was Warwick, RI.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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