Now that we’re halfway through May, we’re heading to fair season, or should i say “faire” season.

For the 15th time, the New Jersey Renaissance Faire will be held; it’s at the Burlington County Fairgrounds on the last two weekends of May and the first two weekends of June.

This year’s faire celebrates the works of the Brothers Grimm; they are responsible for some of the most famous, compelling, (and often dark) children’s stories in history: Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, Rumpelstiltskin–and more! Though these traditional fairytales may be familiar, their endings may not be what you remember…

According to Faire organizers,

Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm visit the New Jersey Renaissance Faire’s home, in the magical town of Crossford (at the Burlington County Fairgrounds). When the stars align, the mists of Crossford part, and the portals between our worlds open for a limited time--the last 2 weekends in May and first two weekends in June--we will see classic storybook characters wander the shire whilst the Brothers Grimm reconstruct their tales, and consider what “happily ever after” truly mean.

In addition to the interactive story telling, there will be performances by nationally known acts as Jacques Ze Whipper, Tiny Girl Big Show, Chaste Treasure, Righteous Blackguards, Rowdy Bardlings.

There will also be a four-horse joust, a human chess match, whiskey tasting, and after-hours shows. And, of course, plenty of food vendors.

Men, dust off that armor; ladies, lace up those bodices and head to for more information.

UPDATED: Memorial Day Parades in New Jersey 2024 (alphabetical)

New Jersey remembers those who made the ultimate sacrifice on Memorial Day with parades, solemn services, reenactments and fairs. Most events take place Monday, May 27 unless otherwise noted and are subject to change without notice here.

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Gallery Credit: Dan Alexander

LOOK: Best amusement parks in New Jersey

Stacker compiled a list of the best amusement parks in New Jersey using data from Tripadvisor.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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