This was spotted in Roosevelt
Something about a hot summer night that brings every known insect to your screen door as well as a few that you've maybe never seen or heard of. Some of the insects attracted to the door which is lit my porch light could make for great monsters in movies. Then there are some that are just curious.
Case in point. Last week my wife comes in talking about a butterfly that's on our door. I'm thinking that you don't see many butterflies at night and when I looked, it was something I had never seen before. It also wouldn't take the shooing as we tried to get it off of the door. But it did spread it's wings a lot.
We finally took a piece of paper and got it to the deck but it still wouldn't move. We thought maybe it was sick but left it there where it stayed until the next morning. Later that day it was gone.
So I did what most people do in 2021. I posted a picture on Facebook asking what it was, Thanks to Brett Harrison who tells me it's a female Promethea Silkmoth.
As butterfliesandmoths.org says
Males and females differ. Male body is black; wings are black with tan borders, faint tan postmedian lines, and pink near the eyespots on the forewing tips. Female wings are dark brown to reddish-brown with tan borders and well-developed tan cell spots on all wings"
As for life history
"Males seek females in the afternoon and early evening, with most mating occurring from 4 PM to sunset". So basically this female Promethea Silkmoth was waiting on my screen door for a male to show up and "spin a little silk"
Wonder what other stories are going on my screen door?
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise. Any opinions expressed are Steve's own. Steve Trevelise is on New Jersey 101.5 Monday-Thursday from 7pm-11pm. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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