These biting beetles that look like ladybugs are swarming NJ
Have you noticed more “ladybugs” than usual recently? I thought I was going crazy.
First, a coworker brought up an infestation in his house.
Then I noticed one in my home. The next day I got to work and there was ANOTHER one.
That's too many in a 24 hour period to be a coincidence. As it turns out: it wasn’t.
Eastern U.S. states like Virginia and Maryland have been bombarded with yet another insect: the Asian lady beetle. They bear a striking resemblance to a ladybug, and some have started making their way to the Garden State.
The Asian lady beetle is seemingly the evil twin of the ladybug. Though they look similar, the beetles give off a foul odor, can bite and should you squish it in an attempt to kill it, they will leave a “messy, yellow stain,” according to the Washington Post.
The ways you can differentiate between an Asian lady beetle and our friend the ladybug are by size and color. The beetles are slightly larger than ladybugs and have a slightly different wing color.
Take a look:
Lady beetle
The Asian lady beetle tends to be a lighter red or even orange, while ladybugs are a deeper red. The lady beetles also have what looks like an “M” marking on the top of their head near their wings.
It’s speculated that the warm fall weather is to blame for their appearance, and since they like the warmer temperatures, they’ll be looking to get into homes or buildings as temperatures outside cool down.
The best way to avoid an infestation, according to this article on, is to make sure there are no cracks, crevices or entrances through which the beetles can enter your home.
We made it through the cicada infestation and the swarms of spotted lanternflies, so I’m guessing these bugs are no match for New Jersey.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kylie Moore. Any opinions expressed are Kylie's own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.