This online shop has tons of New Jersey themed gifts
If you ever find yourself wondering what to do in New Jersey, I suggest visiting the New Jersey Isn’t Boring website. You can find day trips in the state, where to eat and drink, and now, where to shop for your favorite New Jerseyan.
The NJIB store is online only and is featured both on Etsy and Bonfire.
This isn’t a commercial for NJIB, but I think that they have really unique gifts specially tailored for those who love (or miss) New Jersey. They have clothing, signs, ornaments, posters and more. If you can find these items elsewhere, I haven’t seen it. Of course, the store is open in time for the holidays.
Check out some of these New Jersey-centric gifts (or maybe you’ll keep them for yourself!):
There’s this New Jersey print highlighting some of the state’s more notable locations.
This needs to be posted at every New Jersey beach.
Well, that doesn’t settle the debate.
You can pick your side.
Well, that debate is settled: Central Jersey exists!
How about a “Spruce Springsteen” ugly sweater?
Or a Christmas ornament?
Holiday stickers
Shop early, there’s no telling how long these one-of-a-kind gifts will last.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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Say you’re from Jersey without saying you’re from Jersey
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