These are ‘new’ laws taking effect throughout NJ in 2 weeks!
2018 is almost upon us, and in just two weeks, there will be a handful of new laws in effect throughout New Jersey.
I know how confusing some of the literature of laws can be, so I tried simplifying it as much as I could.
1. On Jan. 1, 2018, the tax will decrease to 6.625 percent. The total reduction will be 0.375 percent.
Remember the gas tax increase? Well, to try to assuage our pain over it, Gov. Christie threw us a bone with a slight reduction in sales tax.
2. Also, as part of the deal, the estate tax was to phased out and eliminated altogether as of Jan. 1, 2018.
See above. Bone thrown.
3. Minimum wage will increase 16 cents, from $8.44 per hour to $8.60 per hour on Jan. 1, 2018.
In 2013, Voters approved a constitutional amendment that allowed for this increase. But Gov.-elect Phil Murphy has called for a minimum wage hike to $15 an hour, so expect another increase soon after.
4. By February 2018, drivers license expiration dates will start to roll over into date of birth expirations instead of end of month exploration.
This is one thing Christie did right: It’ll end those long lines at the MVC at on the last day of the month!
5. The mandatory sexual assault training for law enforcement officers bill is expected to take effect by January 2018.
Christie’s baby, this bill comes at just the right time, Now that just about every man in the world is guilty of it.
6. Effective Jan 1st, 2018, the Department of Law and Public Safety will issue permits to casino licensees and other business entities that desire to conduct daily fantasy sports games in New Jersey. Each participating casino or daily fantasy sports provider will now be charged a fee for fantasy sports permits that will help cover the oversight of such games.
We wouldn’t want anyone playing fantasy sports without the government getting involved and making money off it, now would we?
7. NJ World War II Veterans' Memorial Fund This law, beginning on January 1, 2018, allows you the opportunity to indicate on your Tax return that a portion of your refund or a separate enclosed contribution should deposited in the “NJ World War II Veterans' Memorial Fund.”
8. Jersey Fresh Program Fund: This law, beginning on January 1, 2018, establishes a special fund in the dept of treasury called the “Jersey Fresh Program fund and allows you the opportunity to indicate on your Tax return that a portion of your refund or a separate enclosed contribution should deposited into that fund.
9. NJ Memorials to War Veterans Maintenance Fund: This law establishes a special fund in the Department of the Treasury to be known as the "NJ Memorials to War Veterans Maintenance Fund." Beginning on January 1, 2018 each taxpayer will have the opportunity to indicate on the taxpayer's New Jersey Gross Income Tax return that a portion of the taxpayer's Gross Income Tax refund or an enclosed contribution be deposited in the “NJ Memorials to War Veterans Maintenance Fund.”
As for laws 7, 8 and 9, after the Golden Dome In Trenton gets through with us, you’ll be hard pressed to find any New Jerseyan who has the extra funds left to donate to these worthy causes! But good luck with that!
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