The top games New Jerseyans miss from Childhood
Former Philadelphia Eagle Todd Herremans came on my show to talk about marijuana. Then we started playing paper football. Actually what started out as kicking field goals inside the studio became a full-fledged game outside the studio.
It had been so long that I had played paper football that it got me to thinking about some of the other games I miss playing as a kid. So I asked my friends on social media what games they miss playing, and they had a lot of a great responses. Some games you might remember, others aren't as familiar, but it gave everyone a chance to take a trip down memory lane.
Inside games and video games
"Pong," Asteroids," Donkey Kong" and "PacMan." Also board games like "Pachinko," "Operation," "Trouble," "Monopoly," "Flip Your Wig," "Mystery Date" (kind of an old school version of "The Bachelor"), "Mousetrap," "Stratego" and "Candyland."
Outside games
I played many of these games as a kid growing up in Union City. Some of the games people mentioned include stickball, punchball, manhunt - which is a sort of a team hide-and-seek with a home base, where you can free your teammate if you can get by the guard to tag them.
Also "Buck Buck," where one team forms a line bent over, heads locked in hips facing a wall and the other team jumps on top of them trying to get them to fall, using kicking, elbows and whatever else they can think of...I used to tickle. Then there was kick the can, wire ball and half ball.
Now I want to go play!
Steve Trevelise is on the air from Monday-Thursday, 7 to 11 p.m. Tweet him @realstevetrev or @nj1015.
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