Students attack on TikTok: NJ teachers should be allowed self-defense (Opinion)
Have you heard about the new "Devious Licks" game? it's where students are being asked through TikTok to "smack a staff member" at school. As if our teachers don't have enough to deal with.
This is one of the many Devious Licks challenges. Others include "mess up school signs", "flip off the front office", "kiss your friend's girlfriend at school", and "jab a breast. What's a teacher to do in such a situation? I say defend themselves.
Not to drag out an old cliche but "this would never have happened in my day," reason being I went to Holy Rosary Academy, which was a Catholic school at a time when the nuns and teachers were allowed to discipline their students by hitting them.
Some used pointers, rulers on the knuckles and I even remember a "board of education" which was used to paddle students who were put over a nun's knee. I can tell you from experience, it hurt.
Now I'm not advocating teachers start hitting students but I do think that if a student attacks a teacher, they should be able to defend themselves. There's a hard-to-watch video where a ninth-grade student was beating a teacher for allegedly taking his cell phone away. All the teacher could do was allow himself to be thrown around like a rag doll.
Then there's the teacher who tried to break up a fight between two girls in North Bergen and got thrown to the ground and kicked in the face. That may not happen if the teacher could hit back.
Now I'm not talking hit back like Jim Belushi in "The Principal" but at least be able to subdue and restrain until the police can get there. Right now students hitting teachers who cannot defend themselves are like shooting fish in a barrel and now there's a game that encourages students to do so.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise. Any opinions expressed are Steve's own. Steve Trevelise is on New Jersey 101.5 Monday-Thursday from 7pm-11pm. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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