The aftermath of Tuesday’s horrific four-truck Turnpike crash
The traffic updates just kept on coming Tuesday morning as a horrific accident, southbound on the New Jersey Turnpike left motorists sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic for hours. Several overturned vehicles were involved and the usual rubbernecking and residual clearing caused the incident to stretch on for hours. Our traffic reporters were Johnny on the spot with the first report at about 5 a.m.
5 a.m: NJ Turnpike southbound car lanes heavy delays between Southern Mixing Bowl & exit 11 due to alternate volume and rubbernecking. 13 mile delay as of 8:45 a.m.. Truck lanes still closed. NJ.com described the accident near exit 11 in Woodbridge, saying state police reported that around 4:48 a.m. the driver of a roll-off truck heading south on the ramp from the Thomas Edison Service Area lost control of the vehicle. According to the article, just after hitting a parked tractor trailer, the rolloff truck overturned then hit a box truck and a double tractor trailer, which also overturned.
If you’re keeping score at home, that’s four trucks that were involved in this mess. You can imagine the ensuing chaos. But actually you don’t have to imagine because there’s a video of it below. After seeing the wreckage in the video below and the amount of police presence, it’s hard to believe that everyone made it out alive, but they did, with only non-life-threatening injuries reported.
Eli Sternbuch, a listener who sent this video, was sitting in traffic, amazed at the amount of debris and the length of the accident field. By 7:15 a.m. New Jersey 101.5 Fast Traffic was still reporting a 25-minute delay.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Judi Franco. Any opinions expressed are Judi's own.
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