Restaurants all over NJ eager to open for outdoor dining on Monday
Since the announcement over a week ago that restaurants in New Jersey would allow outdoor dining on June 15, 2020, eateries all over the state have been scrambling to get ready.
The places that already have outdoor space expanded seating and allowed for social distancing. How about your favorite dining spots that don't have outdoor spaces? They're creating them, in many cases. The legendary Ark Pub and Eatery in Pt. Pleasant Beach has cleared out space in its back parking lot, built a platform, rented a tent, more tables and chairs and is ready to open up Monday. Fortunately they have another parking lot across the street, so visitors can park there.
But many dining spots are still eagerly awaiting word from the governor as to when they can open for the only space they have, which is indoors. Many of us have a soft spot for all of the servers who have been rooting for these people to get back to what they love to do and when we can get to see some of our favorite people. In many cases, it's like an extended family.
This is one group that has probably suffered the worst under the lockdown rules. Some, admittedly, have made out pretty well financially with people getting government assistance from the state and the feds, it came out to more than some usually make. We all know that can't last and most of these workers can't wait to get back to some sense of normalcy. If you're going out to dinner Monday night, enjoy and tip well!
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis' own.
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