Pictures from my surgery
So after weeks of anticipation it turns out no, I wasn't allowed to keep and bring home a piece of my lipoma. I was told it is against the law, can't be done, not like the old days when people would bring home their appendix or tonsils, etc.. Oh well. But contained in these pictures is the next best thing. The actual removal of this huge lipoma in mid-surgery. The staff was gracious enough to take a picture and let me have one so I could post it here. Heads up, the third photo is very NSFW.
First off, this is the lump that was growing on my back. Upper left between the shoulder blade and spine.
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Here's me getting ready for surgery. I believe I've definitely found a new style. Got that hat on fleek.
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The amazing removal of this giant lipoma. This is about the size of a billiards ball. It was pressing deep into muscle and was causing issues.
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The classic after picture. Lump on back is gone, replaced by these Frankenstein stitches.
Jeff Deminski photo
I want to give a huge thanks to my surgeon, Dr. Edward Buch out of Hillsborough and the whole team at Somerset Ambulatory Surgical Center. They were great in every way possible!
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