Not much is discussed these days about COVID. People are so over any discussion of the nightmare that China, nature and our government put us through.

Last year at this time we were in the middle of a contentious gubernatorial race. It was one year ago today that Gov. Phil Murphy debated his opponent Jack Ciattarelli.

At that time, which seems so long ago and so far, removed from our current reality and reality itself, people in charge were calling COVID a "pandemic of the unvaccinated." The pressure was so great to get everyone vaccinated that politicians, public health officials and other morons were trying to guilt any person who dared refuse a new vaccine to get the jab.

Whether it was pressure from big pharma, authoritarian power lust or sheer stupidity, the coercion was intense. It was months before a flood of people who were double-vaxxed and double-boosted would still come down with COVID-19.

It was on this day only one year ago that Gov. Murphy likened not get getting this rushed through, as of yet unproved, new technology vaccine, to driving drunk!

Yes, he said that, and the loyalists who supported him cheered wildly as if it were true. And yes, he won the election! Video recordings are a wonderful thing.

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy only.

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