If you never heard of a cotton-topped tamarin just think of the cutest thing you’ve ever seen then multiply it by 1,000. But the serious business of this is it’s a critically endangered species. It is one of the smallest primates and there are only 6,000 of them left on the planet.

The Cape May County Zoo has two newborns. The little twins were born to mommy Cordelia and poppa Tam-Tam on May 13.

“We have not determined the gender of the twins, but they can be seen with mom and dad and sometimes big sister, Kida, carrying them around every day at the cotton-topped tamarin habitat,” veterinarian Alex Ernst told nj.com.

These tiny primates (the average full-grown weighs in at less than 1 pound) are found in South America and Northwest Columbia. Human activities like deforestation are its biggest threat. To have two born in captivity is a very big deal.

If you want to visit these little ones the Cape May County Zoo is free and is open 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more zoo info find their site here.

Some random cotton-topped tamarin trivia...

Their distinctive hair pattern has a mane of thick white hair from the forehead to the nape of the neck and hangs down over their shoulders. Think of a monkey with a mullet.

98% of their natural habitat has been destroyed.

They’re monogamous.

They communicate vocally with 38 distinct sounds. Research shows their communication is very sophisticated and conforms to grammatical rules.

Their diet is made up of fruit, plant exudates, insects, and even the occasional reptile or amphibian.

Hey, gotta treat yourself once in awhile.

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.

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