NJ small businesses are the most creative in the country (Opinion)
New Jersey was ranked among the least business friendly states in the county once again. So to make it here, to survive and thrive in the Garden State, you have to stand out. It's not enough to be the best at what you do. You have to grab people's attention and get them to notice you. Once they notice you, they might take an interest in what it is that you do. Then there is a chance your phone will ring or orders will come in on your website and you might be able to make enough money to survive in this tax and regulation nightmare of a state. Hopefully you'll even make enough money to grow your business or at least eek out enough of a living to stay in business.
New Jersey has some of the most savvy and creative business people in the country. A lot of people stopped outside a nice restaurant to notice and take pictures of one on these folks' trucks the other night. Here's is a mini work van with a giant "mini" hoagie on the roof. Lots of people took notice and hopefully many of them will sample the product. That's the idea. We'd like to see your creative sign or thing on your work vehicle or building. Send us a picture. I'm sure a mini hoagie on top of a van is only a preview of what we'll see!
Email to Dennis.Malloy@townsquaremedia.com
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