NJ Judge and a strip club uphold your right to free speech
About ten years ago I was hosting a cousin from Italy when we decided to take her out for some "American food". She ordered a glass of wine and I had to explain to her that they can't sell wine because they didn't have a license. She couldn't understand why they needed a license to sell her a glass of wine in "the land of the free". After hours of explaining New Jersey isn't exactly the land of the free and the history of prohibition, blah, blah, blah, we both needed more than a glass of wine.
Most restaurants in New Jersey, with some exceptions, allow you to bring your own. One strip club in Atlantic City, Stiletto, wanted to post signs inside and outside their establishment, pointing out that you can BYOB. The state fought them and the judge sided with the club! U.S. District Court Judge Joseph H. Rodriquez ruled that it violated the club's right to free speech.
Yay! I don't care about the club and I don't know what this judge's politics are or if he is political. It's just refreshing and encouraging that we still have judges that uphold The Constitution no matter who the plaintiff is or how distasteful the message may be. There is a trend in today's society to stifle or silence speech we don't care for or agree with. As long as we continue to have judges like the Honorable Joseph H. Rodriquez, we are safe. For now.
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