MATAWAN — For the second year in a row, a local child star has used the holiday season to bring smiles to other kids through a large toy drive.

Ryan Buggle, 8, brought close to 200 toys to the Hazlet Toys For Tots warehouse on Sunday. Buggle, who plays Noah Benson on the TV show "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit." told New Jersey 101.5 it has become a special way for him to mark the holidays and help other kids at the same time.

"It was so much fun," he said. "I enjoy it because Toys for Tots is the best toy company ever. Kids that wouldn't get toys this year are going to get toys because we gave them a bunch of toys," he said.

He credits his TV mom, Mariska Hargitay, for helping him learn the importance of giving back.

Allanite Photography
Allanite Photography

In an effort to promote the toy drive, Buggle posted a video on YouTube with his friend Sadie. Buggle said by the time they had finished collecting the toys this year the whole living room of his house looked like a giant toy store.


After doubling the number of toys he collected last year, Buggle said, he plans to keep doing more toy drives in the future. He said the goal for next year is a whopping 1,000 toys.

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