New Jersey needs to enforce this rule on more beaches (Opinion)
We all have our pet peeves when it comes to a day at the Jersey Shore.
There are the people who set up WAY too close to you as if the entire beach isn’t available.
There are selfish people who think everyone else wants to hear their music and unnecessarily blast it.
I’ve got news for you: we don’t want to hear it.
And of course, there are the people who don’t understand how wind works and think they just spray their sunscreen or flap the sand off their towels with a devil may care attitude.
Ultimately this leads to a mouthful of both. Neither of which you asked for.
But this type of person always gets my goat: the people who set up a huge tent right in front of you, blocking the very view you traveled to see.
I’m here to watch the crashing waves, not your striped tent.
Which brings me to my point: during a recent visit to the Wildwoods, noticed this sign…
To me, this makes all the sense in the world.
I get it if you don’t want to be in the sun all day but that shouldn’t cost your fellow beachgoers that gorgeous beach views!
Shouldn’t more beaches have this rule?
There ought to be a designated spot on each Jersey beach where after that point no tents can be pitched. It’s an eye sore to your fellow New Jerseyans just trying to enjoy the view.
After all, if we have to pay to get on the beach, we’re definitely not getting our money’s worth having to stare at your canopy.
But that’s New Jersey for you.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kylie Moore. Any opinions expressed are Kylie's own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.
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