New Jersey is the most dangerous state for pedestrians
New Jersey has some of the most congested roads in the country and some of the most dangerous intersections, so I guess it makes sense that being a pedestrian in New Jersey would be dangerous.
It turns out that not only is New Jersey a bad place to be a pedestrian, it is the very worst state for pedestrians based on fatalities.
As reported on NorthJersey.com, a group called High Rise Legal Funding culled data from the National Highway Traffic Administration’s fatality analysis reporting system and found that the percentage of fatalities in New Jersey that are pedestrians is 30.3%; the national average is 17%.
The four counties that are the most dangerous are:
⚫ Essex 106 fatalities
⚫ Hudson 93
⚫ Union 81
⚫ Bergen 76
Some of the factors that contribute to the high risk of pedestrian accidents in these counties are:
⚫ High population density and urbanization, which increase the number of pedestrians and vehicles on the road.
⚫ Lack of adequate infrastructure and design, such as sidewalks, crosswalks, lighting, and traffic signals, which make it difficult for pedestrians and drivers to see and avoid each other.
⚫ Distracted driving and walking, such as using cellphones, texting, or listening to music, which impair the attention and awareness of both parties.
⚫ Impaired driving and walking, such as driving or walking under the influence of alcohol or drugs, which affect the judgment and reaction time of both parties.
⚫ Speeding and aggressive driving, such as running red lights, failing to yield, or passing too close, which increase the likelihood and severity of collisions.
According to NorthJersey.com: the group that is most at risk of fatality as a pedestrian is those ages 55 to 68, who made up 1,872 of the 7,388 total fatalities in 2021. The study said older pedestrians are more likely to die from injuries than younger pedestrians because the aging process makes bones and skin more fragile.
Pay attention when you’re a pedestrian, because the drivers often don’t.
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Gallery Credit: Katherine Gallagher
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Gallery Credit: Dom DiFurio & Jacob Osborn
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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