New Jersey is one of the worst states to drive in, study finds
Traffic congestion costs the average driver more than $1,400 per year in the United States, which has 10 out of the world's 25 worst cities for traffic.
A new report from personal finance website Wallethub shows 2019's "Best and Worst States to Drive In," using 30 key metrics that make for a good commute. Those include average gas prices, rush hour traffic congestion, road quality, safety and access to getting a car.
Analyst Jill Gonzalez said it's probably no surprise to any New Jerseyan that the state ranks in the bottom 10. It comes in at No. 42 out of all 50 states to be a driver. That really comes down to the third-highest percentage of rush hour traffic congestion -- behind Maryland and California, high gas prices and a lot of roads that need repairs.
New Jersey has the fifth-highest auto maintenance cost.
"If you do have anything happen to your car in New Jersey, it usually costs you three times more to fix it than in a state with lower costs," Gonzalez said.
One category that New Jersey did well in was in safety, ranking seventh on the list.. But yes, premiums are higher in New Jersey and transportation costs are higher, Gonzalez said.
But traffic fatalities, car thefts and DUIs all seem to be on the lower side as well.
The best state for drivers is Oregon, followed by Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Texas. They have some of the cheapest gas prices in the nation. The worst state for drivers is Hawaii, followed by Alaska, Washington State, California and New Hampshire.
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