New Jersey is one of the 10 best states for singles
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, comes word that New Jersey is one of the best states if you’re single.
The research was done by Wallethub.com and took into consideration categories like Dating Economics, Dating Opportunities, and Romance and Fun.
In Dating Economics, New Jersey ranked 23rd, in Dating Opportunities, we ranked 9th, and for Fun & Romance we’re 12th.
The state ranked seventh in online dating opportunities, eighth in mobile dating opportunities, sixth in crime rate, seventh in restaurants per capita and fourth in median annual household income.
In all, 29 different metrics were considered, including share of single adults, gender balance among singles, on-line and mobile dating opportunities.
In Dating Economics, some of the sub-categories were average beer and wine costs, movie costs, median household income, unemployment rate, housing affordability, and job growth.
For Fun & Romance, restaurants per capita, museums, zoos, and cultural attractions, nature parks, fitness and recreational opportunities per capita, movie theaters, amusement parks, and musical festivals per capita; nightlife and access to bars, online dating safety and overall crime rate also factor in the results..
Our best showing was in median income, where we ranked 4th.
If you’re single and looking for love, Florida is the place to be according to Wallethub. The Sunshine State ranked first among the 50 states; in Romance and Fun, they were #1 and 3rd in Dating Opportunities. They didn’t do so well in Dating Economics, coming in at #32.
Texas, California, New York and Pennsylvania come next.
Coming last was West Virginia.
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Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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