New Jersey has one of the lowest rates of car ownership
It may come as a surprise, given how congested our roads are, but among the 50 states, we here in New Jersey have a relatively low rate of car ownership.
Of course, everything is relative and our ownership rates are at a healthy level, it’s just that other parts of the country rely a lot more on their vehicles to get them around.
According to an article in Forbes, 91% of American households have at least one vehicle and 37% have two vehicles. Twenty-two percent have three or more.
So, where does New Jersey rank for car ownership? Near the bottom at 88.7%; still a high number, but lower than most. We’re only ahead of the District of Columbia (64.3%), New York (71%), and Massachusetts (87.9%).
I guess more people use NJ Transit than I thought.
People out west are much more reliant on their vehicles; the top five states are Wyoming and Idaho (96%), then Utah, Montana, and New Hampshire.
There’s a lot of interesting stuff in the Forbes article, including the popularity of various vehicles. The most popular car model is actually a pickup truck: the Ford F150. This based on 2022 sales; the F150 is followed by two other trucks, the Chevy Silverado and the Ram. Next comes an SUV, the Toyota RAV4, before we finally get to a sedan, the Toyota Camry.
One more piece of trivia from the Forbes’ report: the most popular car color in the US is white, followed by black, gray, and silver.
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Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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