An eight year old Westfield girl, Cameron King, bakes and sells her homemade cookies and donates part of the proceeds to two charities that are close to her heart.

Cameron was attacked by a dog when she was six and needed reconstructive surgery on her face to allow her to smile again; because of that experience, she donates a portion of her cookie sales to the Caring for Kids campaign of the national Plastic Surgery Foundation, an initiative that helps families whose children need reconstructive surgery because of physical deformities. According to News 12, she needed 250 stitches and nerve reconstruction to save her smile.

The other charity that benefits from Cameron’s generosity is the Alzheimer Foundation; her grandfather suffers from the ailment, telling, “My grandpa has it, and I want to help other people, so they don’t get it like my grandpa,” Cameron King said.

According to, she also donates cookies to the Westfield police and fire departments.

Cameron’s efforts got the attention of the state legislature; they issued a proclamation recognizing her accomplishments. Assemblyman John Bramnick came to her house to present the joint resolution to Cameron. The resolution read in part: "A third-generation baker, who started making cookies with her family at the young age of two, Cameron Grace King, opened her own business, Cami’s Stuffed Cookies this past January to the delight of all who have tried any number of her delicious treats,” the resolution says.

You can find out more information via the Facebook page for Cami’s Cookies-King Size Stuffed Cookies.

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle. Any opinions expressed are Bill Doyle's own.

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