The governor and his accomplices in the New Jersey Legislature are up to their old tricks again. This time their back-room political games could cost you BIG, hurting your bank account and your way of life.

The proposed "Energy Master Plan" is all about "feel good" legislation to make you think your sacrifices will save the planet. Here's the reality. If the plan is allowed to be implemented, your energy bill will go up, you will no longer be able to use low-cost, clean-burning, environmentally friendly natural gas AND — perhaps most absurd — the plan falls short, way short, of the governor's OWN clean energy goal!

So you pay more AND you lose the incredibly efficient and cost-effective natural gas for heating and cooking, which SEVENTY-FIVE percent of New Jersey homes rely upon. This may be one of the driving reasons behind the sneaky way the governor has avoided telling anyone how much the plan will actually cost and has refused to share the analysis of any potential benefit.

The plan is bad news for the middle- and working-class for sure and a long-term disaster for New Jersey. With so many of our friends and neighbors leaving for states that offer lower costs of living and common-sense policies, can New Jersey afford another reason to drive people away? Learn more about this disastrous plan and how you can fight back at

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