Nat’l Tooth Fairy Day — Is your kid getting shortchanged?
One look at the National Day Calendar tells you anything can be a holiday. Next month has not only National Ampersand Day but also National Wiener Schnitzel Day & National Hug Your Hound Day.
August 22 however is National Tooth Fairy Day. A truly dumb and meaningless day except for two things. One, a chance to see if you’re going overboard or shortchanging your kids. Two, to learn surprisingly that the Tooth Fairy is relatively new.
First of all, what's the current exchange rate for one tooth?
According to a recent Delta Dental survey, the value of a tooth is dropping, down this year by 43 cents. In 2018 the rate was an average of $4.13 per tooth. Today it stands at $3.70. If that has you thinking teeth are a bad investment, you have to think long-term. For example, the value of a tooth in 2001 was only $1.50.
Now these are national figures. By region, our state being in the Northeast means New Jersey's average per tooth payout in 2019 is $3.75.
As far as the history? I had no idea that the Tooth Fairy actually began as a concept in public service ads back in the 1920's teaching children to take better care of their teeth. According to, an 8 page playlet called 'The Tooth Fairy' was put out in 1927. A year later the play began performances and kids started the tradition of placing teeth under pillows at night for a reward. So this whole thing is less than 100 years old!
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