If you heard the show yesterday, you know that my trip to Niagara Falls was rather disappointing; the weather wasn’t good for photographing the Falls, with a heavy mist shrouding at least part of the the three main waterfalls (Horseshoe, Bride’s Veil, and American).

I brought my tripod so I could shoot a series of pictures and then “stitch” them together in Photoshop to make a panorama, but after looking at the shots, I don’t think there is any point stitching them together. I had also set my camera up for bracketing, where you take pictures of the same scene at varying exposures and then merge them together so that the darker parts of the scene (like the bottom of the waterfall) and the lighter parts of the scene (like the top of the waterfall) are both properly exposed, but the bottom of all the falls was hidden by the mist, so there was really no point. I’ll assume that summer is the time to photograph Niagara Falls. Here is one shot I took (and yes, the water was really that green):

Niagra falls
Niagra falls/Bill Doyle photo

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