Murphy’s terrible environmental record exposed (Opinion)
Seven dead whales washing ashore in the New York/New Jersey areas in just the past two months. It's definitely a trend that has environmentalists and animal rights activists concerned and angry.
A group called "Clean Ocean Action" is accusing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of pushing offshore wind companies, resulting in the killing of marine animals in the development process.
For their part, the federal government, as reported by CBS News, said on a reporter conference call that they were not authorizing the killing of the whales. Here's the quote from the CBS report:
"...during a call with reporters on Wednesday, NOAA officials reiterated that the agency "has not authorized — or proposed to authorize — mortality or serious injury of whales for any wind-related action." It also said "no whale mortality has been attributed to offshore wind activity."
It stands to reason that in order to encourage development, the government would hold a company harmless for certain unfortunate events, like the killing of whales.
But the very fact that the expectation is that whales and other marine life will be disrupted and potentially killed with the wind turbines should cause everyone to pause.
Add to the expected deaths the low "capacity factor" and the incredibly high cost, which has yet to be detailed by the government, this is a project that should be halted immediately.
Jeff Tittel who led the Sierra Club in New Jersey for many years and is now retired, called the show to weigh in on the controversy.
He said that we need to complete the process of determining exactly how each of the whales died before jumping to conclusions, but he had a critical take on the governor's environmental record.
Tittel smartly pointed out that Murphy is looking for all the credit from the environmental left for pushing wind, while he has failed to address the cleanup of toxic sites in New Jersey, the recurring flooding problems and our parks in disrepair.
Adding to the recent controversy, many questions remain on the wind turbine issue including the budget, maintenance costs, the transfer of generated power to shore, the impact on the fishing industry and the impact to marine life.
The governor would be forced to show why this is better for the taxpayers and energy consumers than another nuclear plant, or improved pipeline capacity for natural gas would be.
Short of answering real questions, this is just another government boondoggle led by virtue-signaling radicals who only care about their own agenda.
They will be nowhere to be found when dead whales wash ashore, birds are cut to ribbons and your costs to fuel your home and business go through the roof.
Ask yourself, where was Murphy when gas prices spiked and small businesses got crushed under the weight of his taxes, regulations, mandates and lockdowns?
Where is Murphy as crime rises and the cost-of-living skyrockets? Hangin' out at his sprawling mansion in Middletown? Maybe sipping wine at his expansive villa in Italy? Or campaigning for president under the guise of leading the National Governor's Association?
Wherever he is, you know that he's not thinking about how to solve problems for average New Jerseyans.
New Jersey needs leadership not beholden to special interests of national ambition. NJ deserves leaders who will approach problems like rising energy costs and crime by implementing common sense solutions and without virtue signaling to radicals.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.
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