Murphy’s bizarre new hairdo another clue to his presidential run (Opinion)
Kudos to Matt Rooney from SaveJersey.com for always pointing out the subtle — but most important — political subtext in the Phil Murphy administration.
Rooney, in an article in the always on-target Save Jersey blog notes (referring to Murphy), “He’s running for president. Don’t believe me? Look at his increasingly bizarre hair.”
Nothing gets by Rooney. Even Murphy’s baffling new presidential hairdo… an almost-promise of the governor’s intention to run for president.
Gone is the male pattern baldness. Now we behold a devil-may-care silvery coif that looks like something straight out of a classified ad that says: “Wanted: Presidential-Looking Dude.”
The Clinton-esque hair was undoubtedly suggested by the people who craft presidents.. advisors who study all the details. From Barack Obama soft used public speaking emphasis fist (empha-fist?) to Ronald Reagan’s rouge embellished skin tone, these things matter! And they are carefully curated to create the most presidential-looking dude they can possibly turn someone into.
It remains to be seen whether someone will finally accomplish convincing Phil to Don the dental veneers that he so badly needs to complete the look, but make no mistake.
The change in the ‘do wasn’t just his idea. Did Tammy play a role in it, too? Did he need a couple of extensions to fill in the look? Only his hairdresser knows for sure.
Suffice it to say, this is the beginning of a transformation that we can all witness in real-time. From a carpetbagging, unrelatable Goldman Sachs multi-millionaire to a charming, down-to-earth sweetheart-of-a-guy who cares about YOU.
Who knows, with his new hairdo and even newer well-cultivated charm, he may just pick up a sax and blow out a jazzy little number on late-night TV.
That’s our guy.
That’s our hair.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Judi Franco only.
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