More men opting for cosmetic procedures
It used to be seen as something for wealthy women, but more and more men are opting for cosmetic procedures. In fact, male cosmetic procedures constitute between 5 and 10 percent of all plastic surgeries performed.
Plastic surgeons point to growing competition in the workplace as to one of the reasons why men are opting for cosmetic procedures.
"I think men are either staying in jobs longer or returning to work when they thought they were going to retire, and they want to keep up with their younger colleagues. They are seeing their sisters, wives and girlfriends having procedures done and witnessing the positive results," said Dr. Valerie Ablaza, partner and corporate vice president of The Plastic Surgery Group in Montclair.
Also, plastic surgery among men is no longer seen as taboo.
"I think the media has raised awareness on such procedures and it has become more mainstream and acceptable for men to have things done," Ablaza said.
The most common surgical procedures for men include:
- Rhinoplasty (nose job)
- Eye lid surgery
- Liposuction
- Treatment of male breasts
- Facelifts
Men are also having non-surgical procedures like Botox and fillers.
"We are seeing more men going to specialized male spas. They're getting manicures and pedicures. They're having their hair colored. They are waxing their hair off, and that is just a stepping stone to Botox and fillers and then surgery," Ablaza said.
In 2014, more than 385,000 men in the U.S received Botox injections, representing a 310 percent increase from a decade ago, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
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