Millburn H.S. parent reacts to principal’s stupid letter (Opinion)
A picture appeared in Millburn High School yearbook showing some of the school's athletes holding a "thin blue line" American flag that honors and supports police. You've undoubtedly seen one of these flags and one was displayed at a football game this past fall at one of the school's games.
The principal of the school, William Miron (should be "Moron"), sent an apology letter to the parents at the school, for the "racist" image of the boys holding up an American flag that honors their local police. They have DARE officers in the school system, which many times builds a bond between local officers and the kids that they're trying to teach about drug abuse.
This is why so many people feel that school administrators are so out of touch with real people and so afraid of anything that might jeopardize their pensions, that some of them shouldn't be running an ice cream stand, let alone a public high school. Here's some of what was in Mr. Moron's apology letter:
"We were notified this afternoon of a yearbook picture that is understandably appalling. We understand the disappointment. That photo was taken in October on a community outreach day where our athletic program honored our recreation teams and D.A.R.E. program. The administration thought of the flag as a symbol of support for our town's police force. School leaders did not realize at the time that the flag was a statement promoting racism or any microaggressions. Certainly, we cannot hide behind our ignorance."
That kind of cowardly, pandering weakness is one of the reasons public school is so dysfunctional today. Thankfully, at least one parent called Mr. Moron out on his ridiculous letter, and appeared on national TV Friday night. Principal Moron is an embarrassment to any of the administrators left that have the courage to lead and act with courage and confidence in the face of such moronic accusations. Those kids did nothing wrong. The people on the yearbook committee, both students and faculty did nothing wrong. It's clear who was the bad actor here and he shouldn't be sent to the principal's office. He should be sent OUT of the principal's office.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis' own.
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