The sounds of summer include birds, kids playing and lawn equipment buzzing! Soon, some of those will be silenced here in New York State as a bill to ban the sale of gas powered outdoor equipment is being considered.

The wet spring, and no mow May, have combined for a big task to mow and cut the tall grass and weeds that have grown. For most, a gas powered lawn mower or weed whacker are just what the lawn doctor ordered to cut it back. But the push to go "more green" and energy efficient is finding it's way to the landscape industry.

The Bill reads, "Prohibits the sale of gasoline powered leaf blowers and lawn mowers in the state; requires the commissioner to promulgate rules to enact such prohibition by January 1, 2025".

According to a Tweet and video from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, you will have a better experience outdoors this summer as they are converting to all electric.

As far as getting things done around your house or property, there is a statewide burn ban that will go in to place as of March 16th. If you plan to pick up sticks and lawn debris and burn it, you better get it done soon.

This mild stretch of weather has also brought drier than normal conditions and residents have been using the good weather to clean up the sticks and trees that were toppled from the strong winds of January. Burning them now is fine. However, a deadline is looming here in New York State.

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