How you can help NJ homeless and disabled veterans
Veterans Day is coming up on Friday, Nov. 11. Our struggling veterans need your help desperately!
The award-winning 501(c)(3) nonprofit Independence for Veterans is gearing up for our 11th annual They Kept Us Safe, Let’s Keep Them Warm holiday collection benefiting the disabled and homeless veterans residing at two local veteran’s homeless shelters.
As of Jan. 1 until today, they have hand-delivered $79,000+ worth of groceries, new clothing, toiletries, etc. to our veterans in need. They’re striving to hit $100,000 by year’s end. Amazing what we can do when we pull together as a community!
Sadly, winter is upon us and these veterans do not have vehicles, therefore, have to walk everywhere. The very least we can do is keep them warm and protected from the elements. On any given night, 40,000 veterans are sleeping on our streets.
The founder of this organization, Stacia McDonough, the widow of a decorated Vietnam Vet has been helping homeless veterans for 17 years. She wholeheartedly believes the public is not aware of how desperate this situation is. She says most people are not aware of the average of 22 veterans’ suicides per day. That’s almost one every hour of every day.
So, as we mark the day with some remembrances for our veterans with a day off from work or sales at stores, remember it's our duty to honor their sacrifices and do whatever we can to help.
Many of us have family members or friends who have served this great country. It's good to remember those among them who are not as well off. They Kept Us Safe, Let's Keep Them Warm, is the least we can do.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy only.