Hoboken Mayor signs gender neutral bathroom order — DISGUSTING (Opinion)
What's disgusting is not the gender neutral bathroom, hell I've had gender neutral bathrooms in my house growing up, the house I raised my kids in, and the one I live in now. If you're human and you need to use the bathroom, go right ahead, just be clean and neat. That's all I ask.
Starbucks has been doing this for years. There's usually two and you just use the one that's not occupied. It could have been used by a person of the opposite gender, the same gender or transgender. It doesn't matter at all!
What IS DISGUSTING is the pandering by this mayor. "Look I'm so inclusive!" "I look different and love everyone!" Unless of course, if you have a different point of view than the current orthodoxy would insist, or if you own a business. What business is it of this guy to sign an executive order to tell anyone to do anything in their place of business?
What's disgusting is the virtue signaling at the cost of others' individual rights because you want everyone to know how wonderful you are. Most of us see right through this charade, but the emotional hemophiliacs on the left lap this stuff up like a dog who goes into a bathroom after a messy person.
This kind of pandering might make some people feel good, like the panderer-in-chief, Phil "let's raise taxes again because it's the right thing to do" Murphy, but for the rest of us it's nauseating. As a matter of fact, I may need to use one of the gender neutral mandated bathrooms in Hoboken to vomit my guts out!
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