Hey Gov. Murphy, follow the science and listen to the CDC (Opinion)
A service workers union came out over the weekend and thanked Governor Murphy for not making them "mask cops" when it comes to customers not wearing masks.
Well, it's not his job to control commerce and since he "follows the science." He should listen to the CDC when it comes to wearing masks and stop the dictatorial nonsense.
Businesses, even in states like Texas, do have the right to ask their workers and customers to wear a mask. It's not a scary wild west scenario, like most sheeple in New Jersey think. People in those states still wear a mask, no matter how irrational, if they want to.
Stores like Walmart and Trader Joe's have allowed their customers to go without the useless masks but ask their employees to still wear them. That's their decision. That's the correct course to take.
If you are afraid of catching COVID, even though you are vaccinated, which is ridiculous, it's still your choice to do so. The fact that so many of our states' residents are fine with this continued tyranny is far more frightening than any virus.
If you're not a member of a public or private union in this state, you are a second-class citizen. You don't matter to Murphy. He gets big support and contributions from the unions and that's how the game is played. Sorry, you lose, but you knew that already. If you didn't, it's time to pay attention. So, the big unions throw Murphy a bone and he's sure to take care of them if he already hasn't. For the rest of us, it's "shut up and obey...and pay!"
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis Malloy's own.
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