Habitat for Humanity home has nearly $2k of lumber go missing
No matter, what it’s a lowdown thing to do. But I wonder if the people who stole the lumber at a construction site in Somerset County knew they were taking it from a Habitat for Humanity project? Because that’s the lowest.
A woman and her four children were having a house put up for them in Montgomery and it’s just the latest setback in a painful timeline. COVID-19 hasn’t helped as many of the volunteers involved with the Raritan Valley Habitat for Humanity were elderly people who had to cut back on their work due to restrictions.
But the theft of over $1,800 worth of lumber from the building site has been a huge blow. It was a large bundle of 2-by-4s and work had to stop until this is replaced. This poor family already put 500 hours of labor into this place, a home which would be their very first. Sweat equity the group calls it.
Time is of the essence as Raritan Valley Habitat for Humanity says it’s doing what it can to protect the partially finished frame from exposure damage to the harsh winter we’re having. Money is tight. Donations can be made through their site.
This is my own thought, that it would be especially nice if a company could just quickly donate the wood needed. I’m sure it would get at least $1,800 worth or more of positive mentions in media for any company who would do such a kind gesture.
Habit for Humanity was started in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller and is a Christian-based organization. Since it’s inception they’ve helped 29 million people. President Jimmy Carter is a big supporter of this group and often did volunteer work with them on projects even at a very old age, perhaps in part because they were founded in his home state of Georgia. They help construct homes for economically deprived families internationally and in all 50 states.
If you’d like to help this family finish their home here in New Jersey, again, here’s how you can assist.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.