It's always so much fun taking a trip back in time to how things once were in the Great Garden State. Whether it's places, old roads, or even food, New Jersey holds a special place for everything that once was.

For example, anyone who travels over the Driscol Bridge by the Garden State Parkway will almost certainly remember the Amboy movie theater that once sat along the edge of the Raritan River. Of course, there are also examples of something from the past that still exists.

If anyone's ever traveled to Manasquan Beach along the Manasquan Inlet, you almost certainly know about the Glimmer Glass Bridge. That's such an old-school bridge that's well over 100 years old and is still in operation.

Seeing that bridge is like a moment frozen in time. Although it does need much more repair today than it ever did in the past, there's just something about keeping something like that in working order for all to see what our infrastructure was once like.

Of course, this isn't just limited to what buildings and structures were once (or still are) around the Garden State. Memories of New Jersey's past also extend to what used to be sold in our stores.

Although it's not as popular today, cereal was a very big breakfast item from the 1980s and 1990s. Especially promotional cereals that you may very well remember as a kid.

Here's a look at many of those old-school cereals that were once sold here in New Jersey. And if you grew up in the 1980s or 1990s, many of these may trigger memories from your childhood.

LOOK: 35 Vintage Cereals That Perfectly Captured Pop Culture Moments

Movies and TV shows have always found ways to partner with cereal companies as part of their promotion strategy. While some may have come up with a giveaway in boxes, others went big by having their own cereal connected to the movie or TV show title. Here are vintage cereals that were used to promote some of pop culture's biggest moments (and some you probably forgot about).

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

Old-School cereals
Space Oddities and Ends via eBay / Urkel O's - Atomic Age Vintage Doll World via eBay / Mr T - Sentinel Online Store via eBay / Canva Edit

LOOK: 10 Wacky Packages Cards From the '70s That You Won't Believe Existed

Wacky Packages were beloved by '70s kids, but revisiting some of the more surprising cards might just leave you amazed that they ever existed.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.

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