Fighting addiction — the CFC Loud N Clear Foundation can help
So many people in New Jersey are struggling with addiction or have a friend or family member fighting to get sober that there is no simple solution. It's easy for politicians to talk about drug addiction as a disease, spending millions of taxpayer dollars on public service announcements. It's easy to use taxpayer resources to vilify pharmaceutical companies. What's not easy is to solve the problem. It also hasn't been easy to watch the epidemic grow in our state while recovery beds for poor and uninsured people dropped precipitously.
Christie spent millions on self promotion identifying him with solution that has eluded political leaders across the nation. As if an ad campaign would be the answer. Think about how the ad money could have helped actual victims. Think about how those millions could have been spent empowering private groups directly involved in intervention and recovery.
One of those groups is lead by my friends Lynn Regan and her son, Daniel. He's a recovered addict and has dedicated his life to saving others and helping them beat addiction. This is about action, not awareness. Everyone is aware of the crisis. It's hands on help that is needed now. I'm proud to say that along with my podcast co-host, Jessica Nutt, we've been hosting, emceeing and promoting events raising money for the group for a couple years now.
Look for us at the annual Winter Gala on Friday, March 9th at Battleground Country Club in Manalapan!
Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015. Tweet him @NJ1015 or @BillSpadea.
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