Craig Allen’s Random photos from everyday life
The calendar tells us that it's the fall season, I have to tell you that the last few weeks have been busy ones in my world of "randomness."
If you are new to my page at nj1015.com, you should know that I always have my camera with me...because I never know what I will see in my travels!
What I see, I like to share...I call it an excursion into photo "randomness."
Let's GO!
Not to worry...all photos are "safe."
As we start our excursion, let's...
...to each other! And...the world around us. Literally.
Because ANGRY dirt just isn't the same!
Would you believe...
...this anti-bacterial dish soap is like...vinegar and oil? Perhaps, the top layer is..."germy?"
I call this picture...
..."The ONE That Got Away."
Speaking of...parties...
...do you think that there was a GOOD one here?
Onward, we go!
How many do you think...
...can fit into this car? Don't forget to include a...
What's the number now? Maybe, you'd like to do an over-under recyclable can/bottle count from the "party" photo? Now, THAT would be a challenge...
THIS got my attention:
Let's just say...I hope that I don't ever encounter...a "prop fire!"
Then, there are the things one can learn...
...just by opening up your (in this case MY) audio editing software! Hmmmmmm......
Would you like a few more random photos to...ponder?
With all the "summer rain" we've had (and with all due respect...and love and concern...for our friends in Florida and Texas), the "Mushroom Family" has...taken root...in New Jersey!
And, even the "crazy uncle."
What does "he" look like to you? Let your imagination take over...
I say...
What say YOU?
I say:
"Grease is the word!" I found this "gem" in a pile of "random stuff" in a music closet!
What...you say..you need a...
Truly, this photo excursion has covered...
...a lot of ground!
I have MORE pictures to share!!
So, I propose that you be MY biggest...
...and stop by for more photo randomness NEXT Sunday night, starting at 7pm here at nj1015.com...
...and, as always, join me "on air" for more of "Jersey's Favorite Hits" on New Jersey 101.5!
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