Craig Allen’s Neighborhood Tractor Race is days away!
I've been talking about it for years on New Jersey 101.5...and writing about it here at nj1015.com!
My neighborhood tractor race is one week from now!
We'll be partying all afternoon...then racing lawn tractors through the streets for about 5 minutes...and then partying into the night!
It's the social event of the year...
...in my neighborhood!
I was looking for pictures for another nj101.5 article, when I came across a treasure trove of race pictures (MORE) from over the years...that I have to share!
And, that includes a "snap" of my first year entry:
I didn't have a tractor, so I duct taped a lawn chair to the mower deck, and my Dad sat in the chair! I pushed him, the whole race...and I didn't come in last!
Then...there was the "MowerCycle..."
Here's another look...on the "race course!" Notice the competition is nowhere to be seen!
No kidding...I WON!
More photo fun from over the years of this annual event:
Don't look back!
So...neighbors...rev up your engines...
...fill those super soakers...
...and let the water balloons fly!
Because it's race time!
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